Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'll take potpourri for $5,300, Alex

TWOP has a solid list of the "Most Frakkin' Good Moments" from BSG thus far. Can you really believe we're almost at the end? The three hour, two part finale starts next Friday.

Eliza Dushku talks to The Advocate.

Joss answers your questions at Hulu.

Cinematical has a funny clip which could be the "worst death scene ever." (You really have to see this Z-movie clip to believe it. Skateboarding, blow up doll, Oscar quality emoting and bazooka).

Speaking of horrific video, how about a shot for shot remake of one of the cheesiest videos of all time:

Q&A with FOX prexy Kevin Reilly. Addresses Dollhouse and T:TSCC (although before Friday's continued ratings cratering).

I'll be heading to see Watchmen next week, once (hopefully) the crowd dies down. The gazillion reviews I've read have been all over the place, from "OMG! Best EVA!" to "Unwatchable." I've a huge devotee of the book, and liked Snyder's first two flicks, so we shall see. Here are a few Watchmen tidbits:

Watchmen as a Saturday morning cartoon:

What if Woody Allen (and other directors) made Watchmen?

Quiz: do you know your Watchmen?

A few Watchmen movie "easter eggs."

50 Reasons why Return of the Jedi sucks. (Start with "Ewok" and continue...)

A chat with Lost's Terry O'Quinn.

7 Films that Arnold Schwarzenegger never made. Of those, Crusade sounds the most interesting.

Chat with the cast of Big Love, which has been AMAZING this year.

Nathan Fillion's new show, Castle, debuts Monday. TWOP talks to him.

Good article from Mo Ryan on the difficulty launching complex dramas.

3 observations from Braves spring training. I'm cautiously optimistic.

TIME's "Nerdworld" says Dollhouse "isn't that bad."

1 comment:

  1. No, I can NOT believe the finale of BSG starts Friday. ::SOB::

    Last week's episode was FANTASTIC. Michael Taylor always BRINGS IT, and this was no exception.
