Friday, March 28, 2008

TiVo Alert!

We're one week and counting from the premiere of the final season of television's best show, Battlestar Galactica. However, tonight Skiffy is airing a couple of specials to get you warmed up:

Revealed airs tonight at 10 PM on SciFi (DirecTV 244), and brings you up to speed on what's happened the previous 3 seasons. (You can also find the amusing 8 minute 3 season review on the same site, under "What The Frak is Going On?").

Phenomenon airs tonight at 10:30 PM on Sci-Fi, and has interviews with various celebrities (including Joss Whedon, Seth Green and Brad Paisley) offering their take on what makes BSG so compelling.

One of TV's best critics, TV Guide's Matt Roush, has posted his advance preview/review of S4 here. A few choice snippets:

"As the emotional roller-coaster that is Battlestar Galactica launches its fourth and eventually final season, I find myself marveling again at its psychological depth, its relentless intensity, and its provocative mix of political, spiritual and military intrigue."

Short and Sweet: "This series has TV legend written all over it."

If you haven't caught up, or haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet, fill your Netflix queue or journey over to iTunes and stock up.

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