Saturday, February 23, 2008

I'll take potpourri for $300 Alex

Random thoughts, links and observations:

Another awesome, geeky t-shirt.

Kirk and company do Jefferson Airplane.

Continuing the theme, here are some handy maps. This morning, I tried to find Romulus on my GPS, but it didn't show up. Piece of shit.

From one of the recent Democratic debates, Hillary claimed that McCain supported Bush's "wasteful tax cuts." (McCain inexplicably opposed them at the time, but backs them now). I'm not enamored with any of the candidates from either party right now, but this is the easiest and primary way NOT to get my vote. It is NEVER "wasteful" to let me keep more of the money that I earn. Fuck off, Hil.

And now, combining the previous two topics: did you realize that the race for The Leader of the Free World was forever altered by half-Borg space hottie Seven of Nine? Check this out.

Is mine bigger than yours? Check out I09's link to the accurate dimensions of virtually any spaceship you've ever thought about.

Excellent write up by Mo Ryan on HBO's outstanding and addicting In Treatment. I'm all caught up except for last night's ep, and I'm fascinated by every single session.

Wonder if Lois Lane ever experienced this.

If this is wrong, I don't wanna be right. I could order two of these right now.

Did you know that Penelope was almost Kate? I didn't. I love this chick.

The coolest thing from which you can steal another kid's Ho-Ho.

Darla looks hot with dark hair.

Vampire Dance Party!

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