Friday, February 1, 2008

I can see the future, brotha!

Find out Which Lost Character Are You at!

Well, that doesn't exactly surprise any friends of TNRLM, does it? Of course, I would have easily understood a "manipulative southern smartass" or "drunken, bitter leader with a god complex," too. Who are you, dear readers?

Other thoughts on last night's Lost:
  • Several recaps and blogs I checked out today from professional critics who have seen the next couple of eps say that next week's is even better. Holy shit. Grab your bloomers and get ready.
  • Sawyer didn't call Kate "Freckles" (or any other nickname, for that matter) when they split.
  • The dude who came to see Hurley in the loony bin, who represented himself as a business card-less representative of Oceanic Airlines, said his name was "Mister Abaddon." A helpful tour of wikipedia says that "abaddon" is a Hebrew word for "destruction." Read more here.
  • Jack makes his screwdrivers like a pussy. Of course, maybe this is just when he's casually drinking away the horrors of his time being kidnapped, beaten, hunted, starved and godknowswhatelse on craphole island, and before he really starts to miss his time there, and begins growing an untamed angry badger on the chin beard, and finally starts making his drinks fucking manly enough so that he loses his surgical privileges and hallucinates (maybe?) his dead father and thinking about jumping off a bridge. Easy on the OJ, heavy on the vodka, Jack-ass, and cowboy up.

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